Revenge gay porn movie

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Crystal Blake (relative of the Blake 'brothers')īobby Blake had decided to retire from his long-term career as a gay pornographic star.There are also scenes of incest between Chris and Bobby Blake with Chris being the sole submissive black in the film. The Blakes also invite Eric Top Stud, a light-skinned Puerto Rican stud to take part in abusing the neo-Nazis. Then they proceed to beat them up, urinate on them and sexually degrade and torture them until they completely break down and submit to the power of their black masters. They capture them and put them in a cage. However, the muscular black neighbors have finally had enough and get their revenge on the white harassers. Three neo-Nazi supremacists (Dallas Chalmers and his white 'posse' Chane Adams and Bud Cockerham) go to the residence of the Blakes (Bobby Blake and his brother Chris Blake and Flex-Deon Blake) and shout racial slurs, harassing and bullying them in an attempt to get them to leave the neighborhood.

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